You receive all these components and have the rights to make any changes you like.
Training materials designed with everything you need to teach…
Being knowledgeable on Corel WordPerfect X3 will allow teaching the skill to be easy. If you need help planning lessons, we are your right-hand man. We offer the complete courseware training package to make your job easier. Regardless if the course is for a workshop or full semester, we have you covered.
Everyone should know how to create written reports for school, business or personal use. This is a necessary skill and will help create efficiency in your reports.
All the courseware training material we offer is customizable. You will have the ability to modify logos, exercises, examples and other resources to make it truly your own.
Our Corel WordPerfect X3 courseware training materials courseware package has teaching aids to help customize your lesson plans. You will have access to the instructor manual, student workbook, quick reference guides, tips and more. Let us do the work for you!
We can ensure you that you will feel confident and knowledgeable when teaching the course. The course will cover curriculum as: showing you how to create documents, working with files, editing tools, formatting text and paragraphs, tabs, headers and footers, working with images, mail merge, and others.
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Course description:
Being knowledgeable on Corel WordPerfect X3 will allow teaching the skill to be easy. If you need help planning lessons, we are your right-hand man. We offer the complete courseware training package to make your job easier. Regardless if the course is for a workshop or full semester, we have you covered.
Everyone should know how to create written reports for school, business or personal use. This is a necessary skill and will help create efficiency in your reports.
All the courseware training material we offer is customizable. You will have the ability to modify logos, exercises, examples and other resources to make it truly your own.
Our Corel WordPerfect X3 courseware training materials courseware package has teaching aids to help customize your lesson plans. You will have access to the instructor manual, student workbook, quick reference guides, tips and more. Let us do the work for you!
We can ensure you that you will feel confident and knowledgeable when teaching the course. The course will cover curriculum as: showing you how to create documents, working with files, editing tools, formatting text and paragraphs, tabs, headers and footers, working with images, mail merge, and others.
Each instructor-led trainer kit comes with everything a facilitator needs for a successful training session. This includes a comprehensive instructor guide with best practices for delivering the material, a participant manual for learners to follow along and take notes, PowerPoint slides that align with the course content, interactive exercises and worksheets, and icebreaker activities to start each session on a positive note. You’ll also receive quick reference guides that can be printed and distributed, providing learners with immediate on-the-job support after the workshop ends.
Yes. When you purchase an instructor-led training kit from, you also receive the corresponding eLearning version of the course at no extra cost. This is delivered in SCORM 1.2 or xAPI formats, so you can quickly upload it into your learning management system (LMS) for self-directed, online delivery. This dual-format approach ensures maximum flexibility, allowing you to offer both in-person workshops and on-demand eLearning experiences based on your organization’s needs.
Absolutely. All materials provided by are delivered in formats you can edit, such as Microsoft Word and Articulate Storyline. You can easily insert your organization’s logo, change color schemes, add or remove content, and tailor examples or case studies to match your industry or team’s unique requirements. Our goal is to empower you to deliver training that feels fully integrated with your organizational brand and culture.
Our self-directed e-learning courses are available for instant download in SCORM 1.2 and xAPI formats. Simply upload them into your learning management system (LMS) and assign the courses to your learners. Because the courses come ready-to-use right out of the box, you can start delivering training within minutes—no lengthy installation or course-building process required.
The Articulate Storyline files offer complete flexibility and control over your e-learning design. They arrive fully written, so you can launch them as-is or open the .story files in Articulate Storyline to customize interactions, add your own images or videos, and integrate organization-specific scenarios or policies. This saves you countless hours of development time while still allowing for thorough personalization of the learning experience.
All of our training materials are carefully crafted by instructional design experts to meet the needs of adult learners. We incorporate interactive exercises, real-world scenarios, and practical problem-solving activities into each course. This approach not only builds learner engagement but also guarantees effective knowledge transfer and measurable performance outcomes. is trusted by professional organizations in over 160 countries precisely because our methodologies have been proven effective time and again.
Seeing is believing. Download a no obligation sample version of this course. supplies professional training providers with expertly designed, ready-to-use resources that empower them to deliver impactful learning experiences, drive workplace performance, and make training seamless, effective, and accessible for their organizations.
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