Training material available in three formats:
Easily add to your learning management system (LMS).
Instructor-led training materials are comprehensive resources designed to equip facilitators with everything needed to deliver engaging, interactive, and effective training sessions. These materials typically include an instructor guide detailing best practices for teaching the course, a participant manual for learners to follow along with exercises and activities, an exercise workbook complete with sample files, PowerPoint slides that mirror the participant content, and relevant workshop icebreakers to set a positive tone.
By having all of these components aligned and ready to customize, trainers can confidently deliver lessons with a consistent, structured approach that maximizes learner engagement and retention.
One of the main benefits of using instructor-led training materials is the time saved on course preparation, since every essential element—from lesson plans to slides—comes pre-developed and ready to modify. In addition, trainers benefit from professional design rooted in
adult learning principles, ensuring the session resonates with participants and facilitates real-world skill application. These ready-to-deliver resources lend a level of polish and consistency that boosts trainers’ credibility and helps organizations seamlessly meet their professional development objectives. By eliminating the need for creating materials from scratch, training providers can focus on facilitating interactive discussions, guiding practical exercises, and delivering the kind of impactful learning experiences that drive individual and organizational growth.
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One-off pricing.
Train one, train them all supplies professional training providers with expertly designed, ready-to-use resources that empower them to deliver impactful learning experiences, drive workplace performance, and make training seamless, effective, and accessible for their organizations.
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